Sailing Excurtions

in Salento

The daily sail trips are proposed:  half day, full day , the aperitif at sunset.

You can find the boats available for each activity in the specific section named Boats that are supplied with safety equipment established by law. Besides we extend the service also for  private parties.

In addiction to the boat license without limits from the coast, they are the sailing instructor and  they have the RTF license and BLSD first aid certificate.

Weekend in Salento or Greece

The sailing weekends are offered in tours of: two days (Salento) or three days (Grecia) with overnight stay on board.

The weekends on a sailing boat have an educational and sporting nature and are always in total safety in compliance with sector regulations. Furthermore, sailing weekends are carried out with full respect for the environment and nature. The staff will make their experience at sea available by giving teachings and advice for learning sailing sports.

In addiction to the boat license without limits from the coast, they are the sailing instructor and  they have the RTF license and BLSD first aid certificate.

The Sailing Boat Holidays

We offer various itineraries, the most important: Salento, Ionian Greece, Southern Croatia, Egadi Islands.

The Sailing holidays are the best solution to find relax and disconnect from everyday life. It will be possible to visit remote islands, pristine bays and live in close contact with nature. This tour will also have an educational and sporting nature. The staff will make their experience at sea available by giving teachings and advice for learning sailing sports.

In addiction to the boat license without limits from the coast, they are the sailing instructor and  they have the RTF license and BLSD first aid certificate.

The Rotte Parallele association is registered in the National Register of Amateur Sports Activities (RAS) of the Department for Sport of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

Registration in this Register fulfills the functions of certifying the amateur sporting nature of the activity carried out by sports clubs and associations, pursuant to art. 10, Legislative Decree. February 28, 2021, n. 36 and art. 5, Legislative Decree. February 28, 2021, n. 39, and also to the other functions provided for by the legislation.

Rotte Parallele is also recognized by the CONI (Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano) and is a member of UISP (Unione Italiana Sport per Tutti) which warrants a regular insurance for each participants onboard.

Good sea!!!

40°Parallelo pesca e vela in salento